Well, by now some of you may have seen our announcement on Social Media and through our Newsletter, that we've agreed a worldwide distribution deal through the excellent Warcradle Studios. What is DistributionOk, a quick lesson on gaming industr …
Round 4 is over, and the P.O.T.C.H device has been found!Well, what an exciting penultimate round- Despite The Firm searching 41.5% of the island, compared to The Militia's 29%, those Skyton scallywags uncovered the lost treasure- X did mark the spot …
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Round 4!The Events of Round 3Round 3 had a few dramatic turns, but The Firm are still "firmly" (groan!) in the lead. This time, Smugglers Bay was fully searched, and is now held by everyones love-to-hate gangsters, The …
Congratulations players! Round 2 is successfully concluded, and here are the results going in to Round 3:This time, it was Skychain Atol and Shipwreck Reef which were searched. On Skychain, the Artefacters found an old laboratory with several Scannin …