Best Sellers Here are a few of our best selling products!

Free Rulebook and Card PDF

This is the free rulebook PDF: everything you need to play, but missing the world description fluff, faction and character bios, and special rules chapters of the hardback rules.  This download...


This is the free rulebook PDF: everything you need to play, but missing the world description fluff, faction and character bios, and special rules chapters of the hardback rules.  This download...

Oviraptors (x2)

Oviraptors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of the rulebook. Oviraptors...

Domeheads (x2)

Domeheads are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of the rulebook. Domeheads...

"Get Started" Bundle Deal

The best and easiest way to get started with The Drowned Earth Miniatures Game:  A faction starter box of your choice, containing five models and profile cards, The Drowned Earth rulebook, and...

Troodons (x2)

Deadly little pack predators, the Troodons are one of the smaller, but most feared Raptor species in Ulaya. Their uncanny ability to hug cover and avoid incoming fire, and their vicious bite all add...
New Products Here you can find the latest releases, and occasionally, pre-orders!
Hawk: Lone Soldier

Hawk: Lone Soldier

Hawk, the lone soldier is a metal figure for use with the Militia faction in The Drowned Earth. He is supplied with a 30mm base.
Troodon Boxed Set
Troodon Boxed Set

Troodon Boxed Set

This box contains four Troodon and one Troodon Alpha. Troodons are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC "AI Controlled" models using the rules and cards in the...
Ryuza: Mercenary Hunter
Ryuza: Mercenary Hunter

Ryuza: Mercenary Hunter

Ryuza is a Wayfarer, and therefore available as a mercenary to all factions. With a huge hunting bow he specialises in long-range combat. Supplied with a 30mm base.    Ryuza, Mercenary...
Kyoshi: Ghost Shinobi
Kyoshi: Ghost Shinobi

Kyoshi: Ghost Shinobi

Kyoshi: Ghost Shinobi is a Sneaky gangster Chameleon! Armed with a venomous long-range rifle he can ruin the enemy's plans from half a board away! Kyoshi: Ghost Shinobi is a single piece resin...

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